No Apologies

It seems that everyone is being excused and pardoned while so many others are gearing up for the real work to be done. Nothing has been "won". Nothing has been achieved. The killing is still going on. The evaporation of our rights to even be continues.
I have so much to say, share and show simply because nothing is over yet.
Lt. Ehren Watada still needs help. Iraqi children are still being orphaned or trying to pull what limbs they can of their former classmates out of the rubble.
Since I can't preface every diary or post of mine with "Grieving Military Loved One" or "Military Spouse/Sibling etc etc"... in order for my thoughts, opinions or work to end killing, murders, starvation, WAR to matter or count...
and since I have spent so much time and energy and put my ass on the line to promote IMPEACHMENT of WAR CRIMIALS and to support WAR RESISTORS...
and since I don't slap everyone with the label of IGNORANT or UNAMERICAN...
at this time, the only place I can now post or share is at MLW and these few personal blogs. Please know this decision was not a rash one.
There's just too much work that is being done by people I know, work with and support and apparently it goes against everything the green place I called "home" is now about.
It's a horrible sadness for me to leave there... but war is more horrible and allowing war criminals to go unaccounted for and to praise people simply because they lash out... with anger, hatred, fear and violence.
It's the same mentality I hear out on the streets and from Right Wingers: That since I'm not IN the military or have a loved one IN Iraq (which I have and still do but I don't use it as a ready-made excuse to undercut anyone else) that I shouldn't hold an opinion or even be out protesting.
The only way for me to ward off the crazy nuts due to my CodePink bumpersticker was to add another bumpersticker.

Somehow by adding the Veterans For Peace sticker (a signal of our military history/service) this made it "tolerable" for an American Woman to dissent against death, destruction and dictators without the continuous threats to her personal safety upon returning to her car after shopping or picking up her kids from school. I believe that says a ton for how this society still [doesn't] work.
People and friends have always told me to be careful and to conserve my energy for the battles I need to fight. Defending diaries is pointless to me. Defending War Resistors and insisting on Impeachment of this bloody Regime which has taken our rights and caused so much blood to flow... that is what's important.
Realizing that the safety of others is still in jeopardy due to this Regime and the apathy of so many when it comes to our Constitutional... hell our HUMAN rights... I see now that there isn't "Safety in Numbers". For me, the only safety I have is trying to remain focused.
War is wrong. I will not apologize for that idea.
War never solves anything. I will not apologize for that idea.
War is a waste of human lives and decency.
I will do everything I can to stop wars and killing.
And for that I do not apologize.
Yes, we're going to meet more resistance. Especially since so many feel that "we've won", "everything is peachy" and that "impeachment would be worthless".
I am ready to be arrested, injured - and for that I don't expect anyone to apologize.
At 7:34 AM,
Unknown said…
Hey Janet :)
You are right about nothing has changed and it won't on it's own. The potential is there but it's going to require that we press our advantages and not let up. Keep the faith
At 10:43 AM,
Janet said…
Thanks Malcolm
Trying to keep the faith... it's very surreal lately... or maybe it's always been surreal (like, for the last 6 years)
Walking downtown to a vigil or protest and you see all the holiday lights.... I feel like I'm living in a Twilight Zone episode some days.
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