Let Us In!

Last night, both Oregon Senators Gordon Smith (R) and Ron Wyden ("D") were at KGW station studios for a live televised "Ask Your Senator" town hall. This was an invitation only town hall meeting and apparently no one from the Peace Community was invited. We didn't think it was right that the Senators were unwilling to have a discussion with their constituents unless they were invited and their quetions pre-screened.

(we weren't supposed to enter the driveway or approach the building)
So we greeted the audience members with their Free Speech Tickets and tried to get the Senators to come out and hear us.

I apologize for the poor photographs. It was a dark and crappy night. At least 30 - 40 protestors arrived banging pots ala Molly Ivins style, members from several peace groups were there. CodePink Portland, Veterans for Peace, No War Drum Corps, Washington County Peace Vigil, Civic Resist, members of the Surge Protection Brigade, the Lone Vet and others.

Senators Smith and Wyden refused to come out. Like chickenhawks.
KGW has an employee who came out several times to tell us where we could and could not stand. He told me not to take photographs of the building as it was a private building. Then he took a photograph of me and called police. KGW should alert it's employees that they are NOT TO TOUCH PEOPLE. The man got in my face so I got back in his... with a fucking bull horn.
Apparently KGW didn't find any of this newsworthy, their van drove by but didn't stop. The ticketed audience didn't seem very happy either.

(Karen being escorted from the entrance)

I got up to the entrance and windows and started taking photos...

Look at all the "happy" people inside with their free speech tickets...
I was warned twice by KGW that I would be arrested. They called the police and they arrived. I asked that they, as Peace Officers and servers of the community, to please ask the Senators to come out and talk with us. The "cop" laughed and said, "No".

No one was arrested. No one was heard.
The media and the politicians aren't going to do a damn thing about this illegal occupation and a war for greed and corporate profit and political power.

It's up to us.
At 9:48 PM,
catnip said…
Good stuff, Janet! ((((hugs))))
You have a local fan over at my place.
At 8:06 PM,
boran2 said…
Glad that you avoided arrest!
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