Riot Police/Police Riot
Portland, my home, was terrorized Sunday several times. Not by foreign "terrorists". Not by drugged out hippies.

But by the police force.
Our city is beautiful, but our police are ugly.
One Riot Caught by the Oregon News
Before the march even happened... the Peace Community of Portland worked with the City, the Portland Police Bureau and others to ensure safety and peace. We asked that there be no horses or riot gear as those are intimidating. Bikes were okay and that there'd be hundreds of Peace Keepers to help keep things from escalating.
This is what the "force" chose to do Sunday instead.
The police presence was so high that one might say that they seemed to be marching along side of the protesters, as if they themselves were participants in the dissent.
But in reality, they were escorting the marchers just as if they were escorting prisoners to other destinations within their jail.

And this photos is especially interesting. Notice the FINGER IN AN UP AND READY POSITION?? That is called WEAPON DRAWN.

On Portland Indy Media Activism/Action site thie below was needed...
"Injured/sprayed yesterday?
Contact the Northwest Constitutional Rights Center (NWCRC) at 503-295-6400.
But Most Importantly: have the injury documented by a medical professional (if you don't have access to one, call the street medics at 503-233-3194).
If you can't get in to see someone today, have a friend take a picture of the injury (if it's visible such as bruises, cuts, etc.) Use a film camera, if possible. It holds up better in court.
If you think you are experiencing symptoms of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), please call the medics, they will direct you to resources that can help."
An eye witness account speaks to the "peacekeepers":
"Towards the end of the march a group marched towards Burnside and were stopped infront of Carl Greve's by the police. There was massive use of pepper spray initially. However, once things had calmed down and the police were in their alignments it continued to happen. A woman was standing 4 feet away from the police line of for officers chanting "This is what a police state looks like" she was not flipping the police the finger and she was not using any profanity. She was not asked to move, and she never made any attempt to get closer to the police line. She made no gesture of violence, or of any other kind. She just stood there chanting "This is what a police state looks like" when an officer randomly sprayed pepper spray in her face. After the prick police assholes payed out $300,000 for excessive pepper spray force for another protest and promised it wouldn't happen again, guess what, IT DID. To the organizers of the protest YOU CAN NOT TRUST THE POLICE. They lie, they manipulate, and deceit is one of their main character traits. I keep hearing from the organizers of these marches that they are cooperating with the police, but this cooperation is still harming the people protesting. This woman was on the sidewalk, chanting, standing still, she was acting in a non violent fashion, and it didn't matter. You wore t-shirts saying peacekeeper, you failed to do so, and a citizen who was abiding by the law and excising her constitutinal rights had to pay the price. "
I can only hope that people will realize that the revolution is here. Now. And will hit the streets and join us.
How many others have to be hurt and arrested?
How many humans have to die?
You can hear the scatter gun during the first video at the 1:35 mark.
The people on the left side of the street between the two buildings, still bustled in and stopped, all ducked. And in that instant we all KNEW...
Fucking KNEW! that no matter what... we are all prisoners to the police force. That they are the tools of this corporate sponsored, tolerated terror Regime.
Ever hear people screaming due to the pepper spray?
We can march and march till they arrest us.
But they can't arrest us all. Sadly it's going to take all of us to stop this war and stop this madness.
I'm angry right now but I hear so many say, "you march for me"...
NO! I don't.
You didn't hear the scatter guns. You didn't hear the riot police from the paddy wagons running your way.
You weren't ducking down next to me saying, "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit".
It's all just settling in. I'm angry, scared, shocked and... proud that I was there. It took me 24 hours to even talk about this with my husband. But he had already known about the riots and figured I hadn't been close or that I had to sort it all out first.
See, I don't like to scare my loved ones. They go through enough as it is.
They always ask me before I leave, "who is going to march with you?" "Who is going to be there with you?"
Will you? Next time?
At 10:12 PM,
Unknown said…
Is there anything going on while I'm visiting? I would love to join you. Been trying to find some Cesar Chavez stuff but striking out with teh Google so far.
At 11:41 PM,
viziondanz said…
Chalk4Peace2007 SEPT 15 -23 - The Global Street Art Event
Written by razorsmile
Thursday, 23 August 2007
The pavements are an untapped media resource through which we ordinary peace loving folk can share our messages, hopes, dreams, ideas and create a new momentum towards peace - at a certain point there is critical mass in the cultural conversation which transforms into ACTION
Please copy this & forward this to your contacts
Mission Possible - "Our World Working For ALL of Us"
Chalk4Peace2007 SEPT 15 -23 - The Global Street Art Event - ITS HAPPENNING - United Kingdom.. United States.. Egypt.. Austria.. Germany.. Canada.. Ecuador.. Puerto Rico.. France.. Chile.. Iran.. Iraq.. Mexico.. Spain.. Italy.. Cypress.. Israel.. Your Town.. -EVERYWHERE!
see video from last year
We CAN Make THE Difference!
THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 15th to 23rd Chalk4Peace!
You are invited to Take Action! - ("Scroll down for WHAT CAN YOU DO?")
To Participate in this GLOBAL outpouring of public art. Where we makeour personal statements for peace on the pavements and sidewalks of our cities all over our world.
All around the globe, together we are decorating, dedicating and
declaring, in deep sincerity our collective call for peace.
Chalk4Peace is about our empowerment. We The People, our global culture, all people everywhere and our common desire to live in peace.
The Chalk4Peace project has already transformed the experience of thousands of people attending demonstrations for peace all over the world during the past 4 years. Chalk4Peace is both a tool and a conduit for non violent public self expression, and participation in the growing global movement for peace.
Chalk4Peace is an opportunity for all of us of all ages to make our feelings known, especially the young, whose future is in dire jeopardy as our global village falls faster and faster into the fear breeding fear breeding fear spiral.
Our global culture is teetering on the edge of extinction.
No 1 person alone can turn this around, but together WE CAN!
"The Structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, one party,or one nation. It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world" ... Eleanor Roosevelt
Our basic human instincts drive us to seek safety. This is what this chaos is all about.Our essential human survival instincts are acting out of context with the wider global cultural need resulting in mistrust, fear and conflict.
Everywhere the media bombards us with WAR TALK, distractions and negative belief patterns that encourage us to believe that the future of our world is out of our hands entirely.
One place we still have communal access to, is OUR STREETS.
We can balance our GLOBAL CONVERSATION with collective self-expression using OUR STREETS AS OUR MEDIA!
Chalk4Peace is one step, a catalyst that can transform our global conversation as "we the people", en masse make our statement that is our common aspiration for PEACE.
Carry some chalk with you, invite a friend with you, to chalk inspirations on the pavement whenever and wherever you fancy.
Chalk is harmless, cheap and washes away within a few days.
Especially PARTICIPATE in the Sept 15th to 23rd GLOBAL Chalk4Peace ACTION!
Make it happen in your Community!
(Scroll down for "WHAT CAN YOU DO?")
Lets us turn our grey streets into a living river of colour and possibility - With poetry, hearts, peace symbols, empowering statements, also expressions of our frustrations and despair.
All will be seen for several days by thousands of people, then as they are washed away by the elements WE CAN CONTINUE to find fresh places to Chalk4Peace.
We don't need to be an artist to Chalk4Peace. Every statement, however small or large becomes part of the amazing tapestry that is our global future.
This unique event conceivably, could be the largest of its kind in modern history. It is a global effort that is happening.
We The People are spreading the word and making the effort to be a part of this huge creative endeavour to bring Peace back into the equation.
It is our goal for at least one million or more of us to participate with this sidewalk/pavement chalk extravaganza, at thousands of locations, in as many countries, cities and towns around the world as is possible.
So WHAT CAN YOU DO to help make this happen?
1. NETWORK/POST this email to your friends, contacts and where ever else seems appropriate
2. JOIN the Yahoo group or send a blank email to: to network with others around the world who will be Chalking4Peace.
3. EMAIL: to let us know what you are doing in your community, and please send us pictures. Or to find out how you can participate in the project.
4. ARRANGE with you local businesses, libraries, churches, mosques, synagogues, restaurants, supermarkets etc to chalk on the pavement outside their premises on the 15th - 23rd of September and whenever else. IDENTIFY public squares such as Trafalgar Square in London and invite all your friends and your friends' friends to show up with a few boxes of chalk, or even get some from your local quarry. TAKE extra chalk with you to hand out to passers-by.
5. USE this Email as a press release for you local TV, Radio and Newspapers. Let them know that Chalk4Peace is happening ASAP to get the momentum going.
6. DOCUMENT YOUR Chalk4peace actions with photos and video. Send them to your local media - copies for our website will be greatly appreciated - send to:
7. ENGAGE co-creatively in local communal efforts, strengthen working relationships and find what it takes to stand for peace and freedom.
8. Have lots of FUN and keep on Chalking4Peace after the September event.
"FUN The Final Frontier"
How did Chalk4Peace begin? "Message in a bottle"
for Chalk4Peace locations in America
Its time for us to move beyond the "No to War" position and come together "Saying Yes2Peace"
"If we don't create our future, our past will create it for us"
Lets skip the war bit and just get to the peace
Greet someone new today, look into their eyes, smile, say hello, shake their hand ... LET THE PEACE BEGIN!
Brian :)
"There is nothing wrong with our world, we are just having a weird conversation"
"Reclaim the conversation"
"Our New World Order IS Love
The Synergy Project video
"Celebration, Our Journey, Our Destination"
Dedicated to the child inside each one of us, All the children and All the children to come
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