This is from my hockey post to my friends... Soon I will put this up in actual diary form with some amazing photos... but I wanted to get some of the words out while I recoup. I drove Katie to Seattle yesterday to attend the VFP National Convention. I'm still crying... good and sad tears. This is one of the most amazing things I've been to... been involved with.
Last night I net and rode in Ann Wright's car to go see Cindy Sheehan. I was hugged by Ray McGovern, kissed by Camilo Mejia, had lunch with Katie from CP National and Jeff Patterson, war resister and helping Lt. Watada) and surrounded by VFP's and met a new friend who is one of the many Iraq Veterans Against the War whose body is dying due to Depleted Uranium.
So many that were there... Mike from Dallas VFP and first to join Cindy at Crawford... he and I got along SUPER! He introduced me to the President of the Natl VFP, David. A Viet Nam Vet. We sat by Arlington Northwest Memorial for hours.
And I had a mother of a young man who died in Iraq tell me .... well that's private... but she didn't call me UnAmerican and she didn't think I was a dirty liberal. In fact, many there thought I was a little on the brave side. Many told me all their sons wanted was for someone to care enough to bring them home.
Diane Wilson and Medea couldn't make it because their hotel in Beirut was bombed and they had to get refugee shelter and missed their flight. Cindy was very very exhausted from the fast, the heat in Crawford and the flight and was unable for the first time to speak at the affair, she was taken to the ER, her body needed a rest... yesterday fliers had had a LONG day due to the "airline threat".
I am drained... I am still in tears, still in smiles ... and so completely rejuvenated. I truly needed the energy and the meet ups. I needed to sit next to men and women who KNOW this war and know it's all BULL.
Hey Bush and all his supporters... If this is such a noble cause worth fighting for...
Note to Truckee, you know what... I was talking with a Veteran yesterday about the "spitting image" in fact it was brought up alot by many speakers including one ex-CIA agent... I'm not so sure about my Dad's car being spat on. I think it's broken memory fragments - heck, I was a 3 yr old . He wasn't in uniform either. I would suggest that if you were spat on to PLEASE write to your local VFP and tell them of your experience because many there and many vets say the spitting on uniformed troops is a myth. Propaganda.
To the rest of you SlapShotter pals, thank you for putting up with me while I find my feet along this journey. I, too, can't wait for hockey... but moreso I can't wait for an end to all wars and killing. I went to the VFP Convention feeling a bit like an empty cup... and so many poured their souls into me. It's wild having people just come up and ask if they can hug you because their son in Iraq lost both legs, a hand and their speech due to a head injury... and they found support with the ladies in pink and VFP and IVAW.
Mrs. Ski... thank you for taking my call yesterday... I didn't tell you... but I had just sat with a young IVAW woman whose brother also was in Iraq... he didn't think he was ever going to get back home due to several stop losses... so he killed himself. I just sat and listened to her while her hands trembled around the chain of cigarettes.
I went, not to go to the workshops, but to meet others. To hear their stories. To give a stranger a hug. So while others were in seminars, I was able to meet the people that needed to "get some air and take a break". I saw mini-documentaries being made on the spot. I saw people asking about others families who loved ones didn't return. Who was sick? Does anyone know if so and so is still around?
I saw a man show up... not part of the convention to say... he had decided to RESIST. I saw him surrounded by young IVAWs and older VFPS. They held a press conf today and he's turning himself in to Ft. Lewis in a few hours.
So I had to call you to hear your voice.